Getting to know us better

We aim to introduce alternative healing practices to the public by bringing healing practitioners together on one platform to tell their success healing stories and show the world what alternative healing can do. A platform where people can search for the help they need with common illnesses/ difficulties like depression, anxiety, uncertainty, children with ADHD, general well-being and many more as well as supporting treatments when dealing with severe illnesses.

Find balance in every aspect of your life.

We believe that true healing happens when treating the whole person rather than just the current disease and taking into account the cause rather than the symptoms. The Jade Tree however in no way promotes these practices above medical treatments but offers alternatives for long term healing. Very often the two practices work together with energy healing working at the root level where emotional traumas create diseases in the body.

Our Vision

Our vision is twofold…

To reach as many qualified therapists as possible, bring them together under the Jade Tree and make their healing practices more visible and accessible to the public. By using their knowledge and healing stories we aim to educate the world on the treatments available under alternative healing.

Second, we aim to create a place for the public to find services that match their healing needs and promote alternative healing therapies for healing at a whole body level treating cause and not just symptoms.

Our Mission

To accelerate the worlds knowledge and adoption of alternative healing practices.

Meet the Team

The founders of The Jade Tree are a perfect combination of Tech and Energy Healer to bring you this Interactive online platform for health and healing.

Reshma Maduramuthu

  • Reiki Master
  • Access Healing Practitioner
  • Kinesiology  (Intermediate)
  • Bcom MBA

“The more you recognise the immense good within you, the more you magnetise immense good around you.” – Alan Cohen

Nerissa Surajbali

Bachelor of Social Science, MAP

Become a Member

If you own or manage a business and would like to promote and showcase your business on The Jade Tree Portal, sign up today to unlock the possibilities.